Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Analisis managemen pendidikan ( Analysis managemen education)

Education Management's Discussion And Analysis Method of Learning By Mr. Arifin S.pd M.Pd

Analysis Course Management Education Meeting of 1-4A. Discussion About Contract Study (Meeting of the 1)
At the first meeting on the subject of management of education, the study discusses the contract and how to study for one semester. This educational management courses taught by Mr. M. Arifin S.pd M.Pd which weighs 3 credits per week. At this meeting also lecturers explain learning methods are used for one semester. Methods such methods include the use of lectures, question and answer, discussion, problem solving, observation, snowball throwing, jigsaw, concept maps, expository, inquiry, cooperative, and scientific. As well as lecturers also describes how learning approach using Student Centre Learning (SCL). Methods of these methods will be applied during this semester, in order to improve the quality of student learning. As well as also explained more about the good provisions regarding assignments, attendance, and other things for smooth study in one semester.B. Explanations Concerning Basic Concepts of Management Education (Meeting 2)
At a meeting in the 2 nd week is a discussion of the basic concepts of management education. At this meeting Mr. Arifin as lecturers to explain the idea of ​​what management education. Here lecturer explains what the meaning of it all student knowledge management over the years. Question and answer method was used in this 2nd meeting. Lecturer in general what to ask the meaning of management itself. This is to test the students' ability students regarding the extent to which knowledge management, education management terkhususnya. In the question and answer method is found a variety of responses from each student. Here students are required to think in order to be able to answer questions. Question and answer method performed by Mr. Arifin, I think it is very effective because with this method all the students will think and certainly nothing that did not pay attention during the lecturers give courses. And here I see Mr. Arifin very proper attention to where the students are focused and which are not. Here lecturer will point and ask the students who get caught do not focus on learning. Obviously this will make getting ready in case the student asked the professor. This is where I think the proof of the effectiveness of this method for each student will be encouraged to continue to answer the above questions that will be given later. And if all students follow and focus attention to related subjects are given, we can be sure there will be no students who do not understand about what is conveyed by the lecturer. Surely this is a positive impact, terkhususnya will excite students to deepen their knowledge.C. Discussion Regarding Education Management Function (3rd Meeting)
An outline of the discussion at the meeting of all these three is the "Function - The function of Administration and Management Pendiddikan". At the 3rd meeting, besides discussing about the new title, lecturer reminded of what has been discussed in the 2nd week. Before proceeding to the new title, the 3rd week of this, you must first Arifin again asked about the discussion last week. In the 3rd week of airing in the form of slides and students choose which number will it be there is a question, the answer seems right will get the value of the lecturer. And then the students were given the question what what are the functions of management, as well as the arrangement in using the management itself.
At this meeting back lecturers provide management functions related questions to the students. Each student will look for "searchng" related to any functions of amnagemen it. And later medekati correct answer will receive the value of the lecturer. Means or method like this will certainly expel sleepiness of each student. Why?Because of course this way all students will be focused and will certainly compete the race to get the value. I think yamg methods used by Mr. Arifin quite effective compared to the use of the lecture method, which as we know only a fraction of students are focused and serious to follow the learning process.D. Method of Use Snowball Throwing (4th Meeting)
At a meeting of the 4th I think this is the most exciting learning methods. At this meeting we make the learning process using the "Snowball Throwing". Yes, Snowball throwing.Throwing snowball method is where we are divided into several teams. Each team will have a captain (chairman) were given a special suit that it's as penanada is chairman. Here I think the task of the captain quite heavy, as captain

will explain to any member related back what has been conveyed by the lecturer. If the captain does not understand or do not follow what is described lecturer, will certainly have an impact on all the members who are in the group. After that, in the group discussion about the material being studied, and the captain or head of the group that became the benchmark because she's the most well-informed about procedures. Furthermore, each member in each group making the inquiries are made on a paper. Inilahh questions that will be thrown to the other groups in the form of a paper circle. And another party groups also do the reverse. How to toss this paper I think why this method is called "Snowball Throwing". Because here we are at the same throw and tossed the question by studying lain.Cara team like this, I think is sebuh new innovation and fun, and also overcome sleepiness during the hours darurat.Mengingat students are very saturated when lecturers give lessons on the hours of day and coupled with the lecture method. Hopefully the discovery of new discoveries to the method of learning will make the learning process more effective in the future.

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